Click on the picture or title to learn more about each.
Marketing Portfolio
Find samples of my digital marketing work by clicking here.
Mind Palace
Productivity dashboard with customizable background video, pomodoro timer, to do list, and inspirational quotes.
Full stack project made with React, Bootstrap, Django.
Nature at Home
Static webpage dedicated to houseplant care tips. Includes interactive dark/light mode feature.
Front end project made with JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
InfluxDB Singer Tap
Data extraction script following the Singer.io standard.
Made with Python.
Task List API
CRUD API made to store and sort tasks, mark them complete, and organize them into goals.
Integrates Slack Web API to post workspace messages when a task is complete.
Back end project made with Flask.
Inspiration Board
Interactive bulletin board. User can create new boards and notes on boards.
Full stack group project made with React, Flask, CSS.